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Monday, 19 December 2016

12 Days of Christmas - Day 6 - Movie Night!

It’s become tradition in our home to have a movie night on Saturday night. Last night, though, we were involved in a big Christmas concert so we’re doing it tonight instead! And it’s worked out well – I think I might be rather tired after just getting through the last week of school and a concert!

And, Christmas isn’t Christmas without watching at least ONE soul-lifting, joyful Christmas movie! So, today, why not plan to watch a movie together tonight!

What movie will you watch? The top of my Christmas movie list is always White Christmas and Miracle on 34th Street. After watching them I’m left with a sense of Christmas, maybe some tears (!) and a happy, joyful soul – remembering what Christmas should be about – sharing love and family – not about getting what’s on your Christmas list.

Add a special touch to the night and make some donut popcorn (see recipe below) and spiced hot chocolate (just add a pinch of cinnamon and make the hot chocolate with hot milk instead of water for a smooth, creamy hot chocolate!).

After (or during!) the movie, have a chat about how you can bring those same Christmas feelings of joy to those around you. Jesus was born to bring joy – to show us the wonders of heaven. Share the joy around this Christmas.

'I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.' John 15:11

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