Amelia Magazine Available for Subscription!

Here we come, 2017! It's going to be packed full of great, 'girly' fun, and we hope you'll join us to share in it all!

It's our second year in print and we have loads of fantastic articles, craft, activities and ideas in store for the new year!

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Easy 3-step lace painted bottle

This is actually bit of a sneak-peak into our next issue! I wanted to do these as a prop for an upcoming photo shoot for our first issue for 2017. The weather has been super hot here, but today it was a little cooler, so my young PA (my little miss!) and I got outside this afternoon and had fun making a bunch of these! In fact, she made more of them than I did! We loved being able to be outside doing something crafty together.

 In just 3 simple steps, you can have these decorating your room, window, even trees!

1 Hang an empty, clean bottle outside - we hung ours from the swing set! (we just used a glass soft drink bottle)

2 Tape a strip of lace around the bottle. The bigger the holes in the lace, the more paint will end up on your bottle.

3 Spray paint over the lace - not too close, and thin layers at a time so you don't end up with thick paint that wants to drip. We just used a plain white gloss spray paint.

When the paint is dry (which on a day like today, didn't take long!), carefully remove the lace.

If you need to pack them up for storage at all, wrap them up in white tissue paper or an old cloth, as the paint can scratch off.

When you get your next issue, you'll be able to play 'I spy' and see if you can find where we used them!

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